10 Ways to Lose Weight Without Even Trying
Losing weight is hard—it takes a lot of sweat and starvation, right? Well, actually, it doesn't have to. While hitting the gym and eating healthy is the surefire way to be your healthiest, fittest self, sometimes you need to start small or build up some extra credit to get over that plateau.

That's where these 10 little tricks (backed by science!) will come in handy to help you drop pounds without even trying.
7 Ways Losing Weight Too Fast Will Backfire
Drop six sizes in 90 days!” “Lose 7 pounds in 7 days!” “How to lose weight in 3 days!”
Although we may be drawn to the allure of rapid weight loss advertising, health experts have traditionally recommended a slow-and-steady method.

In fact, research has found that after losing weight, about two-thirds of dieters gain more than they initially dropped.

That’s just one of the ways rapid weight loss can backfire, though. Below are seven other ways that slimming down too quickly can do more harm to your health than good.
The 11 Best Fruits for Weight Loss
Fruit is nature's ready-made snack packed with vitamins, fiber, and other nutrients that support a healthy diet.

Fruit is also generally low in calories and high in fiber, which may help you lose weight.

In fact, eating fruit is linked to a lower body weight and a lower risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and heart disease.

Here are 11 of the best fruits to eat for weight loss.
10 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight
No matter what your weight loss goals are, losing weight can feel impossible at times.
However, shedding a few pounds doesn’t have to involve a complete overhaul of your current diet and lifestyle.

In fact, making a few small changes to your morning routine can help you lose weight and keep it off.

This article lists 10 simple morning habits to incorporate into your regimen to aid your weight loss efforts.
9 Ab Exercises for a Flat Belly
We live in an age where rock-hard, six-pack abdominal muscles are the goal of many workout enthusiasts. We all want that washboard look, but which ab exercises actually work? There are two sets of muscles to target: the rectus abdominis muscles (the ones you engage during regular situps, that run from your sternum to your pelvis) and the transverse abdominis (the deepest ab muscles that wrap around the spine and help stabilize your core).

It’s important to remember that you can’t spot-reduce your abdominals. You have to lose the layer of fat over the abs for your abs to show through. Cardio workouts and a good diet are key to success.

Try these nine ab exercises as part of your overall fitness regimen.
Download Your Free Weight Loss Kickstart Ebook
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